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  • High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Improving Court Efficiency and Accountability of Judges and Prosecutors in BiH - Phase 2


    Project Description

    The general objective of the Project is to improve the efficiency of the judiciary, from the perspective of the courts, by strengthening the rule of law, democracy, human rights, improving the position of vulnerable groups that access the courts, strengthening gender equality among judicial office holders, providing organisational and material support to judicial institutions, fighting corruption, providing support for managing court cases, training for judicial office holders as well as other judicial and non-judicial staff, reforming enforcement procedures in the judicial system of BiH etc.  

    In support to  the vision and mission of the HJPC BiH and HJPC BiH strategic documents
    as well as the strategic documents in the field of the judiciary and other relevant fields such the implementation of the  Reform Agenda for BiH for 2015 – 2018 and its Action Plan, HJPC BiH has formulated this Project proposal to implement activities that come under Component 1 and Component 2 and intend to  improve the state of the judiciary in BiH, as one of the basic preconditions on the path towards European integration, in particular in light of the recently submitted application for membership to the European Union by the government of BiH and all future obligations and activities of BiH towards acquiring country candidate status for EU membership and beginning the negotiation process.

    Project Activities

    Following interrelated activities have been conceived to achieve Component 1 and 2:

    Component 1 – Further Enhance Judicial Efficiency

    1. Court cases management
      1.1. More efficient processing of administrative disputes
      1.2. Strengthening professional capacity of judges for processing the most complex commercial case
      1.3. Civil litigation cases against budget users
      1.4. Further support to improving archive management at courts
    2. Internal reorganisation of courts and humanresources at courts
      2.1. Analyse work processes within courts and propose reorganisation measures
    3. Enforcement proceedings reform
      3.1. The issue of enforcement against movable property and announcing hearings for sale of movables;
      3.2. Promoting court settlement, mediation and introducing the practice of pre-suit notice, concluding contracts with users;
      3.3. Improving enforcement procedures by promoting and applying the Personal Data Protection Agency Opinion in order to obtain data on the property of a debtor;
      3.4. Reorganising work processes in enforcement departments and strengthening the role of court bailiffs and their training; 
      3.5. Establish a public debate to identify the optimal system solution model for enforcement procedures.
    4. Gender equality, vulnerable groups and cooperation with NGOs 
      4.1. Improve gender equality in the judiciary;
      4.2. Promoting and providing support with reference to vulnerable groups in the judiciary and their rights; 
      4.3. Establish cooperation with NGOs and International organisations

    Component 2 – Reinforce the Independence and Accountability of the Judiciary

         5.    Establish Electronic System for Submission, Recording, Processing and Monitoring of 
                Financial Statements of Judges and Prosecutors – the SuRePro Monitor

    Project Facts

    July 2016 to July 2019 ( 3 years)

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Project Budget
    Total Budget:

    Contributing Donor
    Governement of Sweden

    Project partners
    Implementing Partner:  HJPC BiH

    Cooperation  Partners:  Swedish National Courts Administration (SNCA) and Municipal Court of Tuzla

    Head of Project:
    Mrs. Ana Bilic Andrijanic
    Tel:  033 707 553 ili E-mail: ana.bilic@pravosudje.ba

    Deputy Head of Project:
    Mr. Kenan Alisah
    Tel: 033 707 581 ili E-mail: kenan.alisah@pravosudje.ba

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    Improving Court Efficiency and Accountability of Judges and Prosecutors in BiH - Phase 2


    Project Description

    The general objective of the Project is to improve the efficiency of the judiciary, from the perspective of the courts, by strengthening the rule of law, democracy, human rights, improving the position of vulnerable groups that access the courts, strengthening gender equality among judicial office holders, providing organisational and material support to judicial institutions, fighting corruption, providing support for managing court cases, training for judicial office holders as well as other judicial and non-judicial staff, reforming enforcement procedures in the judicial system of BiH etc.  

    In support to  the vision and mission of the HJPC BiH and HJPC BiH strategic documents
    as well as the strategic documents in the field of the judiciary and other relevant fields such the implementation of the  Reform Agenda for BiH for 2015 – 2018 and its Action Plan, HJPC BiH has formulated this Project proposal to implement activities that come under Component 1 and Component 2 and intend to  improve the state of the judiciary in BiH, as one of the basic preconditions on the path towards European integration, in particular in light of the recently submitted application for membership to the European Union by the government of BiH and all future obligations and activities of BiH towards acquiring country candidate status for EU membership and beginning the negotiation process.

    Project Activities

    Following interrelated activities have been conceived to achieve Component 1 and 2:

    Component 1 – Further Enhance Judicial Efficiency

    1. Court cases management
      1.1. More efficient processing of administrative disputes
      1.2. Strengthening professional capacity of judges for processing the most complex commercial case
      1.3. Civil litigation cases against budget users
      1.4. Further support to improving archive management at courts
    2. Internal reorganisation of courts and humanresources at courts
      2.1. Analyse work processes within courts and propose reorganisation measures
    3. Enforcement proceedings reform
      3.1. The issue of enforcement against movable property and announcing hearings for sale of movables;
      3.2. Promoting court settlement, mediation and introducing the practice of pre-suit notice, concluding contracts with users;
      3.3. Improving enforcement procedures by promoting and applying the Personal Data Protection Agency Opinion in order to obtain data on the property of a debtor;
      3.4. Reorganising work processes in enforcement departments and strengthening the role of court bailiffs and their training; 
      3.5. Establish a public debate to identify the optimal system solution model for enforcement procedures.
    4. Gender equality, vulnerable groups and cooperation with NGOs 
      4.1. Improve gender equality in the judiciary;
      4.2. Promoting and providing support with reference to vulnerable groups in the judiciary and their rights; 
      4.3. Establish cooperation with NGOs and International organisations

    Component 2 – Reinforce the Independence and Accountability of the Judiciary

         5.    Establish Electronic System for Submission, Recording, Processing and Monitoring of 
                Financial Statements of Judges and Prosecutors – the SuRePro Monitor

    Project Facts

    July 2016 to July 2019 ( 3 years)

    Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Project Budget
    Total Budget:

    Contributing Donor
    Governement of Sweden

    Project partners
    Implementing Partner:  HJPC BiH

    Cooperation  Partners:  Swedish National Courts Administration (SNCA) and Municipal Court of Tuzla

    Head of Project:
    Mrs. Ana Bilic Andrijanic
    Tel:  033 707 553 ili E-mail: ana.bilic@pravosudje.ba

    Deputy Head of Project:
    Mr. Kenan Alisah
    Tel: 033 707 581 ili E-mail: kenan.alisah@pravosudje.ba