Court bailliffs
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  • High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    According to the Law on Enforcement Procedure (FBiH, RS and Brcko District), they are officers of the court who, as tasked by a judge, directly undertake various actions in enforcement procedures, such as: 

    • Debt collection (on all bases),
    • Listing movable property,
    • Eviction from apartment or business premises, 
    • Handing over ownership of an apartment or business premises,
    • Executing temporary security measures,
    • Conducting public auctions and other.

    When inspecting your apartment or undertaking other enforcement-related actions, court bailiffs are required to act with due care towards you and your family members. 

    The inspection and taking possession of your property by a court bailiff can, in accordance with the Law on Enforcement Procedure, only be carried out if required for an enforcement procedure. 

    Enforcement of your movable property is carried out through: 

    • seizure,
    • appraisal, and
    • sale.

    After seizure has been carried out, a list of seized items is recorded in the form of minutes. 

    When seizing movable property, a court bailiff shall list as many items as are required in order to settle the claim of the judgment creditor as well as the enforcement expenses.       

    The court bailiff leaves the listed items with you for safekeeping, unless determined otherwise by the court on the motion of the judgment creditor, together with a ban on the disposal of such items by the persons who possess them or have control over them, without a court order.      

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    Court bailliffs


    According to the Law on Enforcement Procedure (FBiH, RS and Brcko District), they are officers of the court who, as tasked by a judge, directly undertake various actions in enforcement procedures, such as: 

    • Debt collection (on all bases),
    • Listing movable property,
    • Eviction from apartment or business premises, 
    • Handing over ownership of an apartment or business premises,
    • Executing temporary security measures,
    • Conducting public auctions and other.

    When inspecting your apartment or undertaking other enforcement-related actions, court bailiffs are required to act with due care towards you and your family members. 

    The inspection and taking possession of your property by a court bailiff can, in accordance with the Law on Enforcement Procedure, only be carried out if required for an enforcement procedure. 

    Enforcement of your movable property is carried out through: 

    • seizure,
    • appraisal, and
    • sale.

    After seizure has been carried out, a list of seized items is recorded in the form of minutes. 

    When seizing movable property, a court bailiff shall list as many items as are required in order to settle the claim of the judgment creditor as well as the enforcement expenses.       

    The court bailiff leaves the listed items with you for safekeeping, unless determined otherwise by the court on the motion of the judgment creditor, together with a ban on the disposal of such items by the persons who possess them or have control over them, without a court order.